What about those cases of acne that are too severe for over-the-counter acne medicine? Washing with a good soap is not the answer for those cases. For people in that situation, there is a variety of oral acne medicine. The only problem is that you can't just walk into a store and buy the stuff. You have to go to a doctor and get a prescription. But for those who have moderate to severe cases of acne, oral acne medication might be the thing to clear up your problem.
The most recent forms of acne medication are the following: Oral Antibiotic Acne Medication. This type of medication should always be mediated by consulting a physician. Various acne medication antibiotics that may be taken by mouth are supported by researches. Assorted antibiotics that act as acne medication are intended for moderate, severe to persistent types of acne. It is very important that a doctor is asked first on which antibiotics for acne medication is right for you. Cortiscosteroids.
Very severe acne may be prescribed with this acne medication antibiotic. This potent antibiotic is usually taken in a short span of time only. They have metabolic effects that make them inappropriate for long-term use. Oral Tetracycline.
This antibiotic is one of the most popular oral acne medications. Moderate to severe acne may be treated with an initial dose of 500 to 1000 mg per day in a decreasing dosage as skin condition improvement is noted. This antibiotic is not for the pregnant women since it can cause skeletal defects to fetus. Children with age of under 8 years are also not advised to be given this medication. Oral Minocycline and Doxycycline.
These acne medications in the form of antibiotics are only derived from tetracycline. Research evidences tell that these acne medications are more effective than tetracycline. Doxycycline is reported to induce sunlight sensitivity. Both are advised not to be taken by pregnant women.
Oral Erythromycin. This antibiotic that serve as an acne medication may be taken as an alternative to tetracycline since it is safer for pregnant women and young children. Isotretinoin.
This acne medication antibiotic is said to revolutionize acne treatment due to its potent effect in dealing with severe and treatment-resistant acne. Reports has it that isotretinoin is very effective in treating all forms of acne. But it should be noted that many side affects are also attributed to isotretinoin.
This includes severe birth defects to a fetus, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or those who are planning to become pregnant must not take isotretinoin as a form of acne medication.
For more information on acne, please visit Acne Information for a wealth of information. Another good site is Acne treatments. And yet another site is Stop acne.